Wednesday, 9 September 2009


  • 07:37 see attachments #
  • 07:41 see attachments #
  • 13:27 Strange yellow object seen in sky. Just off to lunch. Who says my tweets don't add value? #
  • 13:28 Off to Islington this evening for a planning committee. Brst way to travel Train or car? #
  • 17:44 Trains to London were cancelled at Staplehurst so i drove to Sevenoaks, now waiting on platform for the 17:50 to charing cross. #
  • 17:45 @JennieLichfield putting your theory to the test. Driving in London is a nightmare. #
  • 17:55 On train, forgot my headphones, will have to listen to the anouncements instead. #
  • 17:59 @JohnBotting it means we have more members, are more reliable and get more work for each other so our businesses all profit. Givers Gain #
  • 18:00 Why don't trains have free wi-fi yet? #
  • 18:08 Great meeting today with clients wanting massive Kitchen, massive dining room, massive master bedroom and enormous en-suite. #
  • 18:10 @Ab addonspit why is it that almost everything was better in the pre-nationalisation days. Bring back the GWR broad gauge. #
  • 18:13 @deeaitchbee makes my realise my 2 min commute on foot each day is much more carbon friendly. Nice to have think time on the train though. #
  • 18:15 @thegovier a cocktail cabinet would go down well. There is no sign of a drinks trolley. #
  • 18:23 Why does Google Maps on the iphone not have the london underground yet? #
  • 22:45 @JohnBotting only better statistically, and not for long, statistics are i mportant but not the whole picture. #
  • 22:48 @maureenhorner lol on the train home, will start work on new plans for you soon #
  • 22:54 @marieloua true, 3g comes and goes, sometimes I have edge, usually just a dot. Often no signal at all. #
  • 23:00 Straw poll. 50% of people on tube train had iPhone on view, 10% blackberry, 10% slider phones. Rest had iPods or kept their mobiles hidden. #
  • 23:01 @pannage some of the bus routes are hilarious #
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