Thursday, 26 February 2009


  • 09:56 @CHRISDJMOYLES I have set my profile picture to Red to show my support: #
  • 10:33 @Beabrick The think I have learned in networking is that you can always be more use to someone than they can be useful to you. #
  • 10:34 @Beabrick so the secret is to focus on helping people solve problems, and so when they need help they will come to you. #
  • 10:55 I am lending @rjmphotographic a Keynote projector, so he can project from PowerPoint on Friday. I hope it stays virus free. #
  • 14:38 I am off to see my personal trainer Nathan in High Halden.  #
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Wednesday, 25 February 2009


  • 10:40 @Amanda2610 I think a Twitemperature of 24°C is Good. Think of a nice warm British summer. #
  • 10:42 @dwblog does Safari140 work on SnowLeopard yet? #
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Monday, 23 February 2009


  • 14:14 @daveybarnett Yes, the Twitter thing really annoys me when it logs me off when I have used my laptop so I have one account per computer #
  • 14:20 @SycamoreDesign You have some sort of old French water cooled Car? #
  • 20:30 Watching Sissinghurst on BBC4 #
  • 21:09 @daveybarnett yes, I think Tweetie is the best. I have not tried posting by SMS yet #
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Sunday, 22 February 2009


  • 10:12 Are you holistic? Join HolisticTwitter created by @HolisticMamma I just did! #
  • 10:17 Working on my website: #
  • 10:35 @Amanda2610 Hi Amanda, yes that is the one. It is fabulous, and they left out so many neat things on TV. #
  • 11:00 RT @garymccaffrey has a crazy idea. 19,530 new twitter followers in 30 days? Check it out #
  • 13:32 Setting up a twitter account for @bnipioneer #
  • 13:35 @JessGrey BNI is definitely worth it. It is the engine that drives my business forward. #
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Saturday, 21 February 2009

New Moral Philosophy

I am writing a book about Entropy. The working Title is

New Moral Philosophy

No doubt I will come up with a better title as the book unfolds.

The book has four main goals:

♥Improve the World
♣Stop Conflict
♦Spread ideas
♠Help You Live A Better Life

Neat. I will let you know when it is finished.